Coronavirus Symptoms When Should I See a Doctor is the most concerning question in everyone’s mind today.
These are also the other queries that are flooding the internet:
- Coronavirus symptoms when to see a doctor?
- Coronavirus symptoms what to do?
- Coronavirus symptoms when to go to hospital?
- Coronavirus symptoms when to get tested?
- Coronavirus symptoms when to go to the doctor?
In this article we are trying to address all the above questions with the information we have on hand as of today.
What is Coronavirus Covid-19?

Covid-19 is a virus strain from the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before. Just as other coronaviruses, it has transferred from animals to humans. The WHO (World Health Organisation) has declared it a pandemic.
Coronavirus symptoms when to contact a doctor?
According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), the most common symptoms of Covid-19 are tiredness and a dry cough and fever. Some patients could also experience a running nose, sore throat, nasal passage congestion and aches and pains or stomach disorders. Majority of people (approx.. 80%) who get Covid-19 experience a mild case – about as serious as a common cold – and recover without requiring any special treatment.
Approx. 15% of the people who get infected with Covid-19, are now known to become seriously ill. People in their 70s and older and those with underlying medical problems like elevated blood pressure, cardiac problems or diabetes, or chronic respiratory conditions, are at a much higher risk of serious illness from Covid-19.
In the United Kingdom, the NHS (National health Service) has identified the exact symptoms to look for as experiencing either:
- a high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your back or chest
- a new and relentless cough – this means you’ve started coughing constantly
- a pneumonia (infection in the lungs) causing breathing difficulties
As this is viral pneumonia, antibiotics will not work. The antiviral drugs we have against flu are of no use, and there is presently no vaccine. Recovery depends on the strength of the individual’s immune system.
If you have any of the above symptoms then you should contact your doctor immediately. However the immediate action that is required on your part is answered in the next section.

Coronavirus symptoms when should I see a doctor?
In the United Kingdom, the NHS advice is now that anyone with the above symptoms should stay at home for at least seven days. If you live with others, they should isolate at home for at least fourteen days, to avoid spreading the infection outside the home. This is applicable to everyone, regardless of whether they have traveled overseas.
Coronavirus symptoms when to get tested?
In the United Kingdom, you should look on the dedicated coronavirus NHS 111 portal online for information. If your condition worsens or your symptoms last longer than 7 days, you should call NHS 111. People will be tested only when they are in hospital.
Many countries have imposed lockdown conditions and travel bans in order to try and halt the spread of this lethal Coronavirus.
Coronavirus How many people have been affected?

China’s national health commission confirmed human-to-human spread in January 2020.
From then till date (26 March), close to half a million people have been infected in more than 150 countries, as per Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering.
There have been over twentyone thousand deaths globally. Just over three thousand of those deaths have occurred in mainland China, where the coronavirus was first recorded in the city Wuhan, the sprawling capital of Central China’s Hubei province. Italy has been worst affected, though, with over 7,500 fatalities. Many of those who have died had existing health problems, which the coronavirus complicated.
Over 114,000 people are recorded as having recovered from the corona covid-19 virus.
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Sources: The Guardian, Twitter
Queries: Paandu,Paandu News,News Paandu, coronavirus symptoms when to see a doctor, coronavirus symptoms when to contact a doctor, coronavirus symptoms what to do, coronavirus symptoms when to go to hospital, coronavirus symptoms when to get tested, coronavirus symptoms when to go to the doctor, coronavirus symptoms when should i see a doctor,