Google Pixel 3 vs Android & Iphone | Is Pixel 3 the Revolution Google Was Waiting for?

Google Pixel 3 vs Android & Iphone

Google Pixel 3 vs Android & Iphone | Is Pixel 3 the Revolution Google Was Waiting for? Widgets Google has been attempting to contest Apple and Samsung in the smartphone market but never really succeeded in captivating the business to a scale adequate enough to make it a significant player in the segment. But the tech goliath is not giving up yet. Click the image below & you could get a lucky discount coupon for the Google Pixel 3 Signaling its determination to carve out a place for itself…

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Why are Xiaomi’s Redmi 6 Phones The Best Value Today

Why are Xiaomi's Redmi 6 phones the best value today

Why are Xiaomi’s Redmi 6 phones the best value today? Xiaomi’s Redmi 6 phones will make you repent that you paid so much for your present phone. Xiaomi’s Redmi series smart phones are irrationally popular in India, & for good reason: These phones offer decent specs for an astoundingly low price. On Wednesday, the establishment launched 3 new phones in this series: The Redmi Six Pro, the Redmi Six & the Redmi Six A. These aren’t flagships & their specs (though pretty good) won’t wow you since Android has made…

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Apple Unintentionally Leaks New iPhone Xs Images | Or Was The Leak Deliberate?

Apple Unintentionally Leaks New iPhone Xs Images

Apple Unintentionally Leaks New iPhone Xs Images | Or Was The Leak Deliberate? Images of the forthcoming iPhone XS models & Apple Watch Series 4 have escaped into the web ahead of the products’ official launch at the ensuing major Apple event, which will happen at the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino, California on 12th Sept 2018.   Not long back, in fall 2017, Apple publicized & launched the iPhone X, iPhone 8 & iPhone 8 Plus. The iPhone X was particularly striking for being the first phone in the…

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