Illegal Rave Organisers Fined £10,000 | New Covid-19 rules England & Wales

Illegal Rave Organisers Fined £10,000

Illegal Rave Organizers Fined £10,000 – Police received dozens of reports of illegal gatherings over the weekend and commenced issuing the primary fines after new rules in England penalizing organizers of illegal raves came into force. Two organisers at a rave in Banwen, West Glamorgan, that attracted an estimated 3,000 people were handed fixed penalty notices for £10,000 on Sunday. Officers remained at the scene in to the night along side about 1,000 people, South Wales police said. The force added that some music equipment had been removed after a…

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Cristiano Ronaldo Self Isolates Himself | Georgina Shares Stunning Photos of Ronaldo’s Quarantine Pad

Cristiano Ronaldo Self Isolates Himself

Cristiano Ronaldo Self Isolates Himself – CRISTIANO RONALDO is self quarantined in a luxury home on the shores of the Madeira ocean. Georgina Rodriguez has been teasing fans on social media with images if stunning hideaway. The courple are sitting out the coronavirus pandemic after the couple jetted to the island in the early hours of 9th March 2020. Daniele Rugani, Cristiano’s Juventus teammate has tested positive for coronavirus. Ronaldo shared a dressing room with him on Sunday when his team beat Inter Milan 2-0 behind closed doors, Ronaldo is…

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Filipino President Declares Public Health Emergency | Coronavirus Outbreak Philippines

Filipino President Declares Public Health Emergency | Coronavirus Outbreak Philippines

Filipino President Declares Public Health Emergency – The declaration comes as the health officials count 10 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, including the first case of local transmission in the Philippines State of emergency in Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte declared a state of public health emergency on Monday, March 9, after health officials recorded additional cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus, including the first case of local transmission in the Philippines. In Proclamation No. 922 signed on Sunday, March 8, and released to media on Monday, Duterte ordered all government…

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We Will Win This Fight Corona Virus | Spirit Uplifting Song

We Will Win This Fight Corona Virus

We Will Win This Fight Corona Virus – the sole intent of this post is to uplift the human spirit. The song that forms the part of the video below will touch your heart and assure you that, we the ‘human race’ will overcome this crisis too! Hastags: #CoronaVirus #Wuhan #China #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronaOutbreak #covid19 #Chine# โคโรน่าไวรัส #HongKong #coronavirustruth Sources: YouTuber Alvin Oon, Sadguru, Twitter, Youtube Queries: Paandu,Paandu News,News Paandu, corona virus,china virus,virus,coronavirus,wuhan virus,what is the coronavirus virus,treatment of corona virus,using robots to fight coronavirus,recent status of corona virus,treatment option for…

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Coronavirus Outbreak in China Leads to Global Panic | Person to Person Transmission adding to the Spread

Coronavirus Outbreak in China Leads to Global Panic

Coronavirus Outbreak in China Leads to Global Panic as cases are rapidly on the rise in China and other Asian nations. The WHO has warned that this new virus strain has not been previously identified in humans. The number of coronavirus patients rose on Monday (20th Jan 2020) to over 200 from 62, with new cases reported in Beijing and other Asian countries. Over the weekend, a 3rd patient in China died of the pneumonia-like virus. Coronavirus appears to have originated in Wuhan (Central China) and this is the city…

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