How China Kept the Truth From the World – White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci joins discusses with ‘Watters’ on #FoxNews Hastags: #FoxNews #COVIDー19 #CoronavirusUSA #CoronavirusPandemic #cobid19 Sources: Today Queries: Paandu,Paandu News,News Paandu, News,Today,health,watters world,jesse watters,dr. fauci,anthony fauci,dr. fauci china,dr. anthony fauci,fox news dr. fauci,fauci coronavirus,china coronavirus,coronavirus,coronavirus outbreak,coronavirus pandemic,coronavirus task force,covid-19,covid-19 pandemic,outbreak,pandemic,trump coronavirus,trump coronavirus task force,fox news,fox news channel,dr. fauci task force,china coverup,world health organization china,WHO,WHO china,World Health Organization, Coronavirus 'kills Chinese whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang' #SmartNews — فيصل ابراهيم الشمري (@Mr_Alshammeri) February 6, 2020 Kindly…
Read MoreWhat are Coronavirus Antibody Blood Tests? Are They Reliable?
What are Coronavirus Antibody Blood Tests – Covid-19 blood tests hit the US market but are they reliable? Unlike the swab tests these are anitbody tests which can be done with a small prick of blood and results delivered in a few minutes. These blood tests for the Covid-19 that could help determine whether Americans can safely return to work are now available in the United States. But public health officials are skeptical as they are largely unregulated tests and may create confusion that could ultimately slow the path to…
Read MoreWhat if Trump Fires Fauci? What did Fauci say to contradict The President?
What if Trump Fires Fauci? Anthony Stephen Fauci is an American physician and immunologist who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Dr. Fauci says that the US coul dhave saved American lives had earlier action been taken on the implementation of social distancing. What did Fauci say?When asked about a New York Times report that Dr Fauci and other officials had suggested aggressive mitigation towards the end of February, Dr Fauci said health officials could only make recommendations from a…
Read MoreIs India Doing Enough in The COVID-19 Fight? Who is Bearing the Collateral Backlash?
Is India Doing Enough in The COVID-19 Fight – Indian official sources have reported at least 358 deaths from Covid-19 as of April 14, 2020, but the pandemic may also be leading to collateral deaths. Is this global virus threat indirectly also killing patients who do not have the coronavirus that causes the disease? A public hospital in India’s capital New Delhi has reportedly pushed out some patients with other serious medical conditions to make room in a coronavirus unit. Some of those who were turned away are now living…
Read MorePizza Delivery Boy Tests Covid-19 Positive | 72 People Quarantined
Pizza Delivery Boy Tests Covid-19 Positive – Days after a pizza delivery boys tested positive for coronavirsu, residents of 72 houses in and around South Delhi, including Malviya Nagar and Hauz Khas, have been put under compulsory quarantine. B M Mishra, The District Magistrate of South Delhi told The news reporters that none of the people in the 72 houses have been tested so far. “All of them have been put under home quarantine, and will be tested only if they develop symptoms,” Mishra said. Officials did not disclose the…
Read MoreKnow More About Gilead’s Wonder-Drug Remdesivir | Rapid Recovery in COVID-19 Patients
Know More About Gilead’s Wonder-Drug Remdesivir – Coronavirus patients participating in a clinical trial with an experimental drug called remdesivir developed by Bay Area biotech company are showing encouraging rates of recovery. Researchers rpresenting the University of Chicago Medicine said they saw “rapid recoveries” in 125 COVID-19 patients taking Gilead Sciences Inc.’s experimental drug remdesivir as part of a clinical trial. They went public with this report on Thursday afternoon (16th April). Understandably the shares of Gilead Sciences Inc. GILD, saw a spike of 12.7% in after-hours trading on Thursday…
Read MoreGarbine Muguruza Does a Jlo | Super Bowl Challenge
Garbine Muguruza Does a Jlo – Garbine Muguruza is isolating at her home like most of the world’s population and she is trying to find creative things to do. The Spanish WTA star and internet sensation has already taken on social media to show off her dancing skills and she is going for more. This time she went on to set a higher precedent when accepting the “JLO challenge” and displaying some serious moves! Muguruza is proving to be a TikTok natural She is spending some of her time video…
Read MoreReasons Why Abba Kyari’s Death is a Big Deal | RIP President Buhari’s Chief of Staff
Reasons Why Abba Kyari’s Death is a Big Deal – Muhammadu Buhari’s Chief of Staff Abba Kyari is the highest profile person to have died as country remains in lockdown. Abba Kyari, the loyal chief of staff to Nigeria’s president Buhari has died from Covid-19 after a about month-long battle with the virus. Kyari was considered as one of the 3 most powerful people in Nigeria and said to have the complete trust of Buhari. Some had even considered him as the defacto head of the government because in a…
Read MoreSocial Distancing in New York Slows The Spread | New Coronavirus Hot Spots Cause Concern
Social Distancing in New York Slows The Spread – There are indications that Americans’ social distancing is slowing down the spread of the Covid-19, but the virus is taking 100s of lives a day in New York, and the emergence of new hot spots is causing new anxiety. Meanwhile, Thursday’s unemployment figures are expected to depict that an additional five million Americans have filed for benefits. Hastags: #nycshutdown #NYCLockdown #nyccoronavirus #COVIDー19 #CoronavirusUSA #CoronavirusPandemic #cobid19 Sources: Today Queries: Paandu,Paandu News,News Paandu, News,Today,Health,Editor’s picks,Big News,The TODAY Show,TODAY Show,NBC,NBC News,Celebrity Interviews,Lifestyle,TODAY Show Interview,Hoda…
Read MoreDeep Focus Celtic Relaxation | Soothing Compilation
Deep Focus Celtic Relaxation – a music set with the a deep Celtic tone focusing on relaxing the viewer’s mind. Paandu has created this compilation for you to visit as often as you want, a virtual lounge for you to chill out & relax. If you are familiar with sleep music, calm music, yoga music, study music, peaceful music, beautiful music and relaxing music, then you will love this compilation. Hastags: #Celtic #irishmusic #folkmusic #music #folk #Irish #Ireland #WEdHarris #fiddle Sources: Copyright Free Resources Queries: Paandu Wellbeing, Meditation Music, Relaxation…
Read MoreKidney Disease Emerging as the Silent New American Epidemic | Natural Kidney Healing Solution
Kidney Disease Emerging as the Silent New American epidemic – an eye opener by a former chronic kidney disease patient. A kidney disease patient named Maggie who was about 50 when she first came upon a totally organic kidney healing program. Her life had been shattered, literally wrecked with stage 4 kidney disease. She had no life, was unemployed because she was too sick to work, not enough strength to see her friends and sat around most of the time watching TV. She was deeply nostalgic of the days of…
Read MoreTen Ways to Earn Money Online in India | Make the Lockdown Worth Your While
Ten Ways to Earn Money Online in India – watch this video till the end and make notes all the way. We all have been forced to adopt the digital way of living these days, it has been forced upon us in a way. Now with the nationwide covid-19 lockdown and the obvious taking over of our lives by the Internet, many of us are working from home. But if you presently have no or little work, you can explore the Net to earn money or supplement already existing income.…
Read MoreHow Airtel Allows You To Make Money From Home | Mobile Recharge Profit | Hindi Version
How Airtel Allows You To Make Money From Home – Airtel’s Superhero service allows you make money while you recharge for other while sitting at home. This video is in Hindi, watch it till the end and if you are interested in joining the program then just follow the instructions. Hastags: #airtel #airtelsuperhero #earnfromhome #Jio #Vodafone #MujjeTulumbe #Airtees #idea #telecom Sources: News in Hindi on Youtube Queries: Digital Paandu, Online Millionaire Summit, Online Millionaire Summit 2020, Online Millionaire Summit Review, Make Money Fast, Tricks in hindi,Airtel recharge offers,Airtel recharge business,Recharge…
Read MoreOnline Millionaire Summit Review 2020
Online Millionaire Summit 2020 is the second edition of this event. It starts on 5th May 2020 and it is a full day online summit for five days. Once you register you can log into the event for the entire period learn the entire process of digital marketing. Full details here :… In this video Satish Bala has given his take on the event. It is a straight forward review and he has stated everything a simple manner. Though he is in the organizing team, his review is clearly…
Read MoreMake Money Online Tips 2020 | Google Money Activation
Make Money Online Tips 2020 – watch this video right till the end and learn how to leverage google and other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, etc and make money per hour. This informative video has been put together by team Digital Paandu with content provided by youtube tech channel Digital Millionaire. For the ultimate and hidden tips you should click here In this video you are being shown 3 websites that you can use to make money online searching google. With this illustration, you will learn how to work…
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